Legal warning

April 2020


FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., and address in C/ Alcalá 155-esc.D – 3ºI C.P.: 28009 – Madrid (MADRID).

Commercial Register of Madrid (Registro Mercantil de Madrid), Volume: 40037 Sheet: 180 General Section: 8 Page: 711352 and CIF Number B88549076.

1. The intellectual property rights of the website , as well as its design, navigation structure, source codes, databases, and each of the different elements contained therein are owned by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L.. to whom it corresponds exclusively its exploitation in any form and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

2. These general terms regulate the access and use of the website FUELL TECHNOLOGIES freely to all Internet users. The access to this site implies the acceptance without reservations of such general terms. The use of certain services offered on this site will be also ruled by the specific conditions provided in each case which will be accepted by the mere use of such services.

3. Users accessing the website are expressly authorized to view all information and to print and partially download its content if they comply with the following conditions:

3.1) the reproduced elements are destined only for personal and private use of the user. Therefore, it is expressly prohibited to use it for commercial purposes, distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation, or even sending it by e-mail. It is also prohibited to transfer or transmit to third parties this content or to install it on any server connected, directly or indirectly, to a local network or Internet, so that a group of third parties can have access to such information.

3.2) That none of the contents related on this website are to be modify in any way.

3.3) That no graphic, icon or image available on this website are to be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other images that accompany it. Any infringement of the prohibitions and limitations contained in this section, as well as in any of the following- will be considered infringement of the intellectual property rights owned by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. and will give rise to the responsibilities legally established for this purpose, and may be prosecuted by the latter through the exercise of administrative, civil or criminal actions that, where appropriate, apply.


The User acknowledges and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights over the contents and / or any other element inserted in the Website (including, by way of example and not limitation, all those elements that compound the visual appearance, graphic image and other sensory stimuli of the Web sites that make up the “, website, brands, logos, trade names, texts, reviews and comments, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flowcharts, presentation, navigation architecture, as well as the source codes of the Web sites belong FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. and / or to third parties that have assigned their rights. For this purpose, the Website will be understood as all those creations incorporated and expressed by any means and / or tangible or intangible support, known or to be known, that are subject to protection by the regulations in place regarding intellectual and industrial property.

The visualization, printing, downloading or temporary storage, either in whole or in part, of the contents and/or of the elements inserted in the website or in the pages that form it is authorized exclusively for personal, private and non-profit use by the user, provided that in any case the origin and/or author of the same is indicated and, where appropriate, the copyright symbol and/or industrial property notes of its owners appear.

The access to the website will under no circumstances imply any type of permission, renounce, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights by its owners, unless expressly stated otherwise. The present conditions of use of the website do not confer on the users any other right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the website and / or its contents other than those expressly provided here. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subjected to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. or, where appropriate, by the third party holder of the affected rights.

It is completely prohibited the use of such elements, its total or partial reproduction, communication and/or distribution for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as its modification, alteration, decompilation and/or any other act of exploitation of the website, its pages and/or the contents that are incorporated therein. For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the holder of the rights in question.


1. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. reserves the right to carry out, whenever necessary and without prior notice, all modifications and updates of the information contained in its web, both in its Spanish version and in any other languages, as well as the configuration and presentation of the website itself and the conditions of access. The documents and graphics published on this website may incorporate technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

2. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. supplies the materials and graphics contained in this website without any express or implied guarantee of any kind. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. refuses the existence of any guarantee or condition implied in the information contained including commercial viability guarantees, guarantees of non-infringement of intellectual property or suitable guarantees for a specific objective.

3. Under no circumstances FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. or their suppliers will be responsible for any type of damage or prejudice, including those derived from a reduction of benefits, business interruption or a loss of information due to the misuse of the materials contained in this server, even in the case FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. has been advised of the possibility of such damages and compensations.

4. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in the login of the website or its different contents. Neither does guarantee that the content will be available, always and updated at all times, although it will develop its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid and correct any issue or update mentioned content as soon as possible. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. does not assume any kind of responsibility regarding any of the information content on other websites that could be redirected to through hypertext links or “links”.

5. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. does not assume any responsibility derived of the concession or the content of third party links referred in the web , neither guarantees the lack of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or user files, being excluded of any responsibility for damages in any kind caused to the user for this reason, not being responsible for the content of any of them, neither the changes or updates that may experience.

6. Both the access to this website and the use of the information contained in the same are exclusive responsibility of whoever does it. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. will not be liable for any consequence, damage or loss that could be derived from said access or use of the information. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. will not be held responsible for possible security errors that may occur or any possible damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware y software) as well as the files or documents stored in it, as a result of the presence of viruses on the user’s computer used to connect with the services and contents of the Web, of a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of it.

7. FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. also holds the industrial property rights related to its products and services, and specifically those related to the registered trademark. Regarding quotes from third-party products and services, FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. recognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favor of its owners, not implying its mere mention or appearance on the Web the existence of rights or FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. on them, nor the support, sponsorship, recommendation by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L.

8. The unauthorized use of any information contained in this website, its resale, as well as the infringement of the rights of Intellectual or Industrial Property of FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

9. Any type of third-party link to this website must be to the main or home page: .


FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L.., from now on the person responsible for this website and in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data, the RGPD (UE) 2016/679, of April 27, and the LOPD 3/2018, of December 5, and with the provisions of LSSI-CE 34/2002, of June 11, has implemented policies, means and procedures to guarantee and protect the privacy of the personal data of its USERS.


In compliance with the provisions of the articles 13 and 14 of the RGPD (UE) 2016/679, 27th April and in the 11th article of LOPD 3/2018 from 5th December, we will provide the interested party with additional information regarding the processing of their personal data.


Data Processing Controller:

FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L.., con C.I.F.: B88549076, located at C/ Alcalá 155-esc.D – 3ºI C.P.: 28009 – Madrid (MADRID).


The processing activity is CLIENTS, LEGAL ENTITY, ACCOUNTING, FISCAL AND ADMINSITRATIVE MANAGEMENT, located at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., with C.I.F. number: B88549076. The purpose for the data processing entails data management in order to perform the administrative, commercial, and tracking tasks. The data typology entails: ID Number; Phone Number; email address; Full Name from the legal representative in case is a Company. The expiration date of this data must be suppressed after 5 years from the termination of the rendered services. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based on a legal obligation. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: No such provisions. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. as Controller: Calle de San Andrés 8, Local – 28004 Madrid or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).


The processing activity is PROVIDERS, ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT located at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., with C.I.F. number: B88549076, address at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 Madrid (MADRID). The purpose for the data processing entails: Administrative and accounting management of providers. The data typology entails: Full Name; ID Number; Phone Number; Address; email address; Banking number-IBAN. The expiration date of this data must be suppressed after 5 years from the termination of the rendered services. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based the contract’s performance. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: The Tax Office; Banking Entities; Financial Entities; Public Office entitled on the matter. Data Processors: This list could be reached at: C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. as Controller: Calle de San Andrés 8, Local – 28004 Madrid or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).

The processing activity is EMPLOYEES ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT, located at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., with C.I.F. number: B88549076. The purpose for the data processing entails: administrative, fiscal and accounting management to perform payrolls. The data typology entails: Full Name; ID Number/ Social Security Number/ Mutual Insurance. Phone Number; Address; Signature/Fingerprint; Other personal data; Handicap Certificate; email address; Civil Status; Birthdate; Banking number-IBAN; Gender; Descendants; Employment details; Academicals; Professional status. The expiration date of this data must be suppressed after 5 years from the termination of the employment relationship. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based on the contract’s performance. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: The Tax Office; Banking Entities; Insurance Companies; Unions; Public Office entitled on the matter; Companies and group companies on the subject of labour risk prevention. Data Processors: This list could be reached at: Calle de San Andrés 8, Local – 28004 Madrid. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L Calle de San Andrés 8, Local C.P.: 28004 – Madrid (MADRID) or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).

The processing activity is MANDATORY WORKING HOURS RECORDS, located at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., with C.I.F. number: B88549076, address at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 Madrid (MADRID). The purpose for the data processing entails: The implementation of a register that takes into account the working hours of every employee. The data typology entails:  Full Name; ID Number; Signature; Mutuality. The expiration date of this data must be suppressed after 4 years. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based on a legal obligation. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: Employees; Labour Exams; Employees legal representatives and Social Welfare. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L Calle de San Andrés 8, Local C.P.: 28004 – Madrid (MADRID) or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).

The processing activity is CLIENTS THROUGH GETFUELL PLATFORM, located at HTTPS://GETFUELL.COM/ES-ES/ .The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., The purpose for the data processing entails managing clients and potential clients through website. The data typology entails: Phone Number; ID number; email address; Name. The expiration date of this data must be suppressed after 5 years since the services were rendered. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based on the contract’s execution. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: Pecunia Cards Ede slu, Servicios de gestión Fintech; Providers that are joined by the purpose of it. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. as Controller: Calle de San Andrés 8, Local C.P.: 28004 – Madrid (MADRID) or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).

The processing activity is COMMERCIALS SENT THROUGH EMAIL, located at C/ ALCALÁ 155-ESC.D – 3ºI – 28009 MADRID. The Controller is: FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., with C.I.F. number: B88549076. The purpose for the data processing is due to collect information to send commercials that relate to the Controller’s activity. The data typology entails: email address; IP Address. The expiration date of this data lasts while the services are being rendered. Profiles are not expected, nor automated decisions or applied logic. Insofar the legal basis this is based on the unequivocal consent of the user. In what recipients are concerned, the Controller is allowed to transfer the personal data to recipients and service providers, only if it is limited to the purpose that justifies the data processing, as well as the transfers allowed by the applicable legislation. The recipient categories to which the Controller could transfer data are: There is no such provisions. On the other hand, in what international transfers are concerned, it is allowed that these would not be performed. Insofar the rights that the interested part has on their behalf, they could exercise these rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, revocation, portability, and consent withdrawal addressing the issues at FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. as Controller: Calle de San Andrés 8, Local C.P.: 28004 – Madrid (MADRID) or to . Likewise, the interested part has a right to fill out a complaint form to the Spanish Data Protection Office (Agencia Española de Protección de datos, AEPD).

The interested part is able to access the updated information regarding data protection at any moment at Calle de San Andrés 8, Local – 28004 Madrid.


The data provided will be incorporated into processing activities, whose ownership and responsibility are held by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L.., and will be treated with absolute confidentiality.

The Controller, as well as those involved in any phase of the processing and / or the entities to whom the data have been communicated – by virtue of the authorization granted by the USER – are obliged to observe the professional secrecy and adopt the levels of protection and the necessary technical and organizational measures at their reach that guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, subtractions and / or data loss.

However, we advert and inform the USERS that those technical measurements are not infallible or impregnable, reason why, the controller cannot be held responsible for such practices or their consequences.

The personal data of the USERS, together with those originated as a result of the access, use or contracting of the service, may only be subject to automated processing and assigned in the manner and for the purpose established and expressly authorized by the USERS.


Those receiving any of the communications, information, newsletters, electronic advertising FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. receive them for the following reasons:

– By online registration from this page.

– By online registration from the pages of collaborators.

– By requesting information about our products and services.

–  For having provided your information to any of our collaborators or employees.

– By offline registration when filling out forms, newsletters, requests, etc. that are offered at fairs, offices, or collaborations, among others, and that are archived for further verification for a period of 5 years.

Our communications do not want to reach any person who does not want it, therefore, and in order to correct the situation that can sometimes occur, such as that someone can register another without their consent, we have incorporated a subscription system into filter based on a “no contact list”, which prevents a commercial communication from being sent to any email address included in it.

Therefore, if you do not want to receive our commercial communications and prevent anyone from discharging you against your will, please contact us through the method established in each processing activity and we will include in the “no contact list” that address from which the cancellation of the processing is requested.

If you have any problem to do it electronically, do not hesitate to contact us on our contact telephone during office hours, where a person will attend you personally and perform this procedure.




The applicable legislation in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any matter related to the services of this website, will be the one from the Kingdom of Spain.

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the website, FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. and the user agree to submit to the judges and commercial courts of MADRID.




Copyright: Design and development by FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. © FUELL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. all rights reserved.

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